Parent Info

A gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who

  • exhibit high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area

  • possesses an unusual capacity for leadership

  • excels in a specific academic content (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies)

All students enrolled in Harlandale ISD have equal access to be identified under this definition.

Gifted Child

The table below shows characteristics that can help determine if your child is gifted and needs services. If your child exhibits these characteristics, you may refer them to be tested for G/T services.

A High Achiever

A Gifted Learner

Remembers the answers.

Poses unforeseen questions.

Is interested

Is curious.

Is attentive.

Is selectively mentally engaged.

Generates advanced ideas.

Generates complex, abstract ideas.

Works hard to achieve

Knows without working hard.

Answer the questions in detail.

Ponders with depth and multiple perspectives.

Performs at the top of the group.

Is beyond the group.

Responds with interest and opinions.

Exhibits feelings and opinions from multiple perspectives.

Learns with ease.

Already knows.

Needs 6 to 8 repetitions to master.

Needs 1 to 3 repetitions to master.

Comprehends at a high level.

Comprehends in-depth, complex ideas.

Enjoys the company of age peers.

Prefers the company of intellectual peers.

Understands complex, abstract humor.

Creates complex, abstract humor.

Grasps the meaning.

Infers and connects concepts.

Completes assignments on time.

Initiates projects and extensions of assignments.

Is receptive.

Is intense.

Is accurate and complete.

Is original and continually developing.

Enjoys school often.

Enjoys self-directed learning.

Absorbs information.

Manipulates information.

Is a technician with expertise in a field.

Is an expert who abstracts beyond the field.

Memorizes well.

Guesses and infers well.

Is highly alert and observant.

Anticipates and relates observations.

Is pleased with own learning.

Is self-critical.

Gets A's.

May not be motivated by grades.

Is able.

Is intellectual.

Would you like to refer a child for G/T services?

Is your child already identified?

Students K-12 receive differentiated services in their core content classrooms with teachers who have completed 30 hours of G/T Foundations Training and who complete a yearly 6-hour update for continuous learning in the area of serving gifted students. Within the classroom, students will have the opportunity to participate in Project-Based Learning activities designed to engage and challenge them while helping them develop critical thinking and other learning skills.

In addition, students 1-5 will meet monthly for social-emotional development, mentorship, and enrichment.

Students 9-12 are strongly urged to take one or more Advanced Academics classes designed to challenge them in their area(s) of identified strength. Students will have the opportunity to engage in mentorship and will establish goals to help them earn "Performance Acknowledgements" as part of their graduating transcripts.

Want to learn more about Gifted and Talented Education at Harlandale, come join us for G/T Parent Meetings.

G/T Parent Meeting Flyer

G/T Parent Meeting Flyer SPN

Click on the image below to view the information presented at the 1st G/T Parent Meeting

G/T Parent Awareness Mtg